

The Hansson & Partners fee is unrelated and independent from the size and ongoing changes of insurance premiums.

The insurance and insurance brokage industries of both Denmark and Europe are stuck in an approach to fees that is based on a percentage of the client’s insurance premium. Hansson & Partners chose to break with this conservative approach to fees from day one as the only insurance broker in Denmark working from a fixed fee with no conflict of interest.

We wish to remove any doubt related to our impartial nature as broker and to ensure that our clients have no doubt that Hansson & Partners will always have the client’s best interest as its top and only priority; something that, amongst other things, is done through transparent fees.

This means that the cost incurring for clients is in no way correlated to the movements and developments of the insurance premium, regardless of whether it goes up or down—something that can occur as a result of catastrophes, changes in legislation and not least as a result of tenders, just as the size of a given provision has no influence on our rationale and approach to the given isse.